Old school Easter eggs.
What Is Hydration Therapy and when it need?

IV Therapy Boston is one of the first medical centers in Boston that specializes in intravenous vitamin therapy.


Vitamin droppers are a well-known trend, thanks to him a whole industry of beauty and health restoration is working in the USA, Japan, and EU countries. People, who take care of themselves, try to take timely measures to recover from stress, overload, and illness. Vitamin shakes are also popular as a preventative measure during seasonal illnesses, travel, and busy working days.

Businessmen and celebrities, office employees and service industry specialists plan a course of vitamin droppers in their daily work schedule and spend a minimum of time on the procedure, getting the maximum effect.

After the dropper, you can immediately feel the energy boost. And then the body will thank you with increased endurance, tone and clarity of mind. Those feelings, for which it was previously necessary to go on vacation, are now available in just an hour of relaxation with our vitamin cocktails.

Why do I need a dropper for a patient with alcoholism?

Patients constantly turn to us with a request to “put a dropper on binge”, which means that everyone knows the way to administer therapeutic solutions and medicines to help patients with alcoholism, especially at its first stage - removing it from binge. In this article we will give a brief overview of infusion therapy, and this is exactly what droppers are called in the “medical” language.

There was IV hydration therapy (infusion in Latin means “infusion ”) as a treatment method that uses the introduction of certain solutions directly into the patient’s bloodstream to correct complex disturbances in the body’s internal environment, replenish fluid volume, regulate blood properties, detoxify, etc. Also, infusion therapy allows you too quickly and strictly dosed deliver to the body a lot of vital medicines, allows you to treat quickly and accurately.

The first description of a successful infusion therapy dates back to the mid-19th century, when T. Latta used a soda solution to make up for fluid loss in patients with cholera. In 1881, for the first time, a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride - “Saline solution” was used. Infusion administration of drugs is a developing area in medicine.

IV Therapy can get rid of the listed problems:

  1. Replenish the volume of circulating blood.
  2. To carry out the correction of blood properties - viscosity, coagulation, etc.
  3. Saturate tissue with necessary fluids.
  4. Normalize the electrolyte composition of the blood and restore acid-base balance.
  5. Active detoxification.
  6. Normalization of metabolism.

For successful and high-quality implementation of infusion therapy, it is necessary to provide reliable venous access and searching IV Hydration in Boston. Today, peripheral vein catheterization is used for this. It happens that the patient’s peripheral veins do not allow them to be used for infusion. In such cases, catheterization of the central veins is performed - most often - subclavian. Some drugs require a strictly dosed at the time of administration. For this, special medical devices are used - infusomats. Infusion therapy is one of the main approaches to the treatment of narcological patients.

Article Source : http://doctorforbotox.mystrikingly.com/blog/what-is-hydration-therapy-and-when-it-need